Definition of Column inch

1. Noun. A unit of measurement for advertising space.

Exact synonyms: Inch
Generic synonyms: Area Unit, Square Measure

Definition of Column inch

1. Noun. (printing) One inch of a printed column; a measure of space allocated. ¹

¹ Source:

Lexicographical Neighbors of Column Inch

columella auris
columella cochleae
columella nasi
column cells
column chromatography
column density
column inch
column inches
column of Spitzka-Lissauer
column of bertin
column of fornix
column shifter
column space
column spaces
columna anterior
columna fornicis
columna lateralis
columna posterior
columna vertebralis
columnae anales

Literary usage of Column inch

Below you will find example usage of this term as found in modern and/or classical literature:

1. A Course in Journalistic Writing by Grant Milnor Hyde (1922)
"In a publication with larger pages or in newspaper form it is bettor to sell space on the basis of the column-inch. Just what the basic rate shall be ..."

2. Writing for the Trade Press by Frank Farrington (1917)
"Our rates for matter as published are as follows: y%c per word for text; 25c per column inch for drawings when the drawings are ready for reproduction; ..."

3. "1001 Places to Sell Manuscripts," by [Editor] (1915)
"Twenty five cents per column inch for finished drawings, fifteen cents per column inch for photographs. Harvey Whipple, managing editor. ..."

4. The Faulkner Reference Library: Standardized Statistics of the United States (1920)
"General Information: An extra charge of 3 cents -per column inch is made for ... Composition, 5 cents per column inch extra. Double spreads not sold. ..."

5. International Library of Technology: A Series of Textbooks for Persons by International Textbook Company (1909)
"... 1 column wide is known as the rate per Inch. The space occupied by an advertisement is never charged on a square-inch basis, but on a column-inch basis. ..."

6. The Encyclopaedia Britannica: A Dictionary of Arts, Sciences, and General by Thomas Spencer Baynes (1888)
"... which can be fixed on any part of the -»rought-iron bar or column B, thus forming a universal joint This bar or column Inch« If machine drills. ..."

7. Pumping Machinery: A Treatise on the History, Design, Construction and by Arthur Maurice Greene (1911)
"... inches vacuum 9.5 Vacuum in condenser (reading of mercury column) inch 27.68 Average barometer at 32°F. sea-level 14.789 Ibs. =30.06 Average barometer ..."

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